According to The adjusted policy about the export tax refund announced by five ministries and commissions that from September 15, more than 400 kinds of tax regulations like petroleum and the chemical products refund of duty forehead have been affected during the period of outlet. Among them, about 50 kinds will cancel export tax refund, the as many as 385 kinds of export tax refund will be lowered to 11%, and only 7 kinds products¡¯ tax rate have improved to 17%. The experts think that this policy adjustment will affect the export pattern of petroleum and the chemical products tremendously.
In 50 kinds products which export tax refund have been canceled, except 19 kinds pesticides,the others are all resource nature products,including 80%'s alcohol , natural barium sulfate , natural thick boric acid , gas , liquid paraffins prepare heavy quality liquid paraffins , asphalt , naphtholithe , kerogen shale and tar grit etc which are energetically developed for the fuel. But in petroleum and chemical products which have been reduced rate of tax refunds Including 145 kinds plastic and their products, 225 kinds¡¯ diamars and their products, these are all resource type products, many of which are lower reaches products of petroleum. But, main products that are improved the refund of duty rate are significant equipment s, living things medicine product.
It is learned that Our country begins the policy of tax refunds on export goods into practice from April 1 , 1985 , with the purpose to encourage the export. Henceforth, the country improved product mix many times by changing export tax refund proportion. according to the explanation of five ministries and commissions, current policy of tax refunds on export goods belongs to structural adjustment with the purpose of boosting the change of the way of foreign trade increasing and balancing the development of foreign trade. Perceiving from this change, obviously country is restricting the export of high energy consumption and the resource type product
It is learned that last year the outlet forehead amounts of petroleum and chemical products calculated to 56,390,000,000 U. S. dollar, among which chemical products were 46,510,000,000 U. S. dollar. Comparing with "the 9th Five-Year Plan" powder, the forehead grows by 154.5%, and the year average increasing is by 20.5%. But, main exports advantages are resource products and price. although The experts knew this early ,it is very difficult to change this one aspect only by market power .so this time ,country wants to improve the structure of petroleum and chemical industry by This adjustment of policy of tax refunds on export goods . |