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Asia: Tepco Mar LNG purchase hits record, lifts 2010-11 to a high

News Source:http://www.jinchemical.com/ ; SendDate:2011-4-15 17:16:21 
Japan's Tokyo Electric Power Company bought a record 2.138 million mt of LNG in March, resulting in the utility purchasing the highest annual volume at 20.788 million mt over fiscal 2010-11 (April-March), a company official said Thursday.

Tepco's LNG purchase volume hit the monthly record in March after it secured "five additional LNG cargoes of around 320,000-330,000 mt" through amendments to its term-supply delivery schedules and spot purchases, as a result of the massive March 11 earthquake, a source close to the matter told Platts.

In March, Tepco also bought 151,000 kiloliters (949,760 barrels) of crude and fuel oil, down 65.3% from 435,000 kl in February.

Tepco's LNG consumption came in at 1.765 million mt in March, up 11.6% from 1.582 million mt in February, while the largest Japanese power utility's oil use stood at 249,000 kl in March, down 24.3% from 329,000 kl in February.

Tepco's Fukushima-1 (Daiichi) and Fukushima-2 (Daini) nuclear power plants in the northeast of the country were automatically shut after the quake.

The utility currently has only 4.912 GW of nuclear power generation capacity operational -- four out of seven units -- at its 8.468 GW Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant, representing 28% of the total installed capacity of 17.31 GW.

Tepco's previous highest LNG import volume of 20.417 million mt was recorded in fiscal 2007-08 after an outage at its Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant in the northwest due to a strong earthquake in July 2007.

Tepco's highest LNG purchase volume was a result of increased purchases during Japan's summer power demand season when the country experienced record heatwaves. This was coupled with Tepco's increased purchase of LNG during the country's winter power demand season as a result of a severely cold winter.

Tepco's LNG purchase volume in fiscal 2010-11 was up 6.2% from 19.579 million mt in the previous fiscal year. Its consumption volume of 19.462 million mt in the fiscal year ended on March 31 was also up 5.2% from 18.507 million mt in fiscal 2009-10.

In fiscal 2010-11, Tepco bought 4.615 million kl of crude and fuel oil, while it consumed 4.753 million kl of oil in the fiscal year ended on March 31. It was up 5.4% and 8.8%, respectively, from Tepco's oil purchase volume of 4.378 million kl and its consumption of 4.369 million kl in fiscal 2009-10.

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